We’re JumpStart Partnership Grant Recipients!

We’re partnering with VicHealth to support the health and wellbeing of young people! 

VicHealth is giving 180 local ideas a Jumpstart! In creating vibrant, active and connected communities of young people, all across the state, from a share of more than $3.5 million.

And ours is one of them!

We’re activating spaces for people to play and move. 

We’re installing welcome signage and decals in local walking and cycling paths and community spaces across Central Goldfields Shire and the City of Greater Bendigo. We’re also bringing green spaces to life across the Loddon Campaspe region with the purchase of futsal equipment for the community.

What other kinds of programs are funded?

Each program will do its part in building healthier communities, overflowing with sport, active play, art and food. This includes projects that:

  • Make sport environment more welcoming and inclusive to increase participation 
  • Introduce people to social and active recreation 
  • Connect people through arts, cultural and play-based activities 
  • Learn about their local food system and encouraging connection through food 


All of this and MUCH more, to support the health and wellbeing of Victoria’s young people.