Vaping in Sport

Vaping is a hot topic right now – particularly with young people. But should sporting clubs be concerned about vaping? And what do club’s need to know about vaping?

We have developed a factsheet where we discuss vaping, the potential harms and what clubs can do to make a difference.

Download the Factsheet

Did you know?

Smoking and vaping laws in Victoria are the same. Anywhere you’re not permitted to smoke, you also cannot vape.

Smoking and vaping is banned at and within 10 metres of outdoor public children’s playground equipment, skate parks and sporting venues during organised under-age sporting events, as well as in outdoor areas of public swimming pools.

You can download the new “No Smoking or Vaping” signage here to display at your facility.

Read more about smoke-free and vape-free areas here.

Does your club need support?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need help. Contact us here.